Why are International Graduates in the USA leaving?

If America is truly the land of opportunity, why do so many international students leave after they graduate with a Bachelors Degree? About 90% of international students leave the United States after they graduate and the #1 cited reason these students leave is because of Visa Restrictions.   This means that the government no longer allows …

4 Vietnamese High schoolers Immigrated to Australia and disappeared

Part 1. On January 11, 2024, Sunnie Nguyen (Nguyen Hoan Ngoc Anh), a 17-year-old Vietnamese student studying in Australia, was reported missing after having dinner with her host family. Among the things missing from her room after her disappearance was her laptop, personal documents, and some clothes.  Enough to all fit in a small backpack.  She is …

You Got Accepted! How to Choose a Place to live

What to consider when choosing a place to live. For those who choose to study abroad, there are 3 major questions that they must answer that will determine their experience abroad. I receive a lot of inquiries from students who have gotten letters of acceptance from their chosen school, but have not explored their housing …